Friday, May 25, 2012

Long Story Short.....Please take Note!!

Hello Everyone, Well it's been awhile since I've posted anything on here.  It's been pretty busy on the photography end lately.  I will be posting some of my favorite sessions from the last couple of months on here soon.  Summer is fast apporaching here in Florida...It's 2p.m. and it's a humid 94degress outside right now.  So glad I'm stuck in side today!! ;) I wanted to update y'all a little bit on my summer schedule.  I will as of June1st be taking a couple of months off. I don't normally talk about my personal life, but I wanted to share what's going on, and why I will be off for a couple of months!!

To make a "Long Story Short", I was born with a rare heart defect and I'm having my 6th Surgery. I'm having another Open Heart Surgery in June. I will be recovering for a week or 2 up in Boston (where I'm having my surgery), and once givin the okay I will be sent home to recover there.  I will not be allowed to drive myself or lift anything heavy for 3-4weeks.  I'm expecting I will be back up and running in mid August.  Please Note I will be OFF JUNE-JULY!!

So, if anyone is looking to book a session with me I am currently booking sessions for Mid August-September.  Please note that during my recover time, I will be limited to answering my voice mail  & emails.  I will get to them ASAP!! I appreciate your business, and Thank you for understanding!! Hope everyone has a wonderful summer and don't forget to take some pics!!

Megan @ Megan Ward Photography
Too book your next appointment...My email is: